At Local Links, we help you make connections with your perfect customer.
One of the primary ways we provide value to you as a Local Link is through our monthly networking opportunity, Adapt and Thrive Local Business Mastermind.
A Business Mastermind might sound intimidating, but it is simply a workshop where business owners can run ideas by other people looking to enhance their businesses.
We like to break things down into accomplishable steps. So with everything we’ve already said about why Masterminding is essential to Adapting and Thriving, here are the Top 4 Reasons why you need to mastermind:

Adapt & Thrive Happens Every Third Thursday Only Through Local Links
1. The mastermind itself is, in essence, a workshop. It’s an opportunity to consider your ideas and put them out to an audience that is there to give you feedback from their experience and give you insight that you might not otherwise have.
2. The Global Pandemic has changed our world for good, but less physical interaction doesn’t mean that you have to lose touch. Even though you can’t have people come to your physical location and provide them a service or good, you can hopefully still provide them value beyond those two things in the form of education or community.
3. Old school does not exist. Technology will keep changing and that’s why we’re bringing people together to learn how to adapt and thrive. A Mastermind can hopefully bring you insight on new ways to approach customers in this ever-changing age of technology.
4. You have to keep getting in front of customers as person-to-person interactions. When you’re consistently showing up and getting in front of people, you’re building rapport, you’re building trust with the people who work at the businesses. It’s crucial to realize that you’re not always selling to the person now, you’re selling to them at some point in the next five years.
Ready to Mastermind? Adapt & Thrive happens live on a screen near you every Third Thursday of the month. You can follow THIS LINK to sign up, or get in touch today to find out more about how you can Adapt & Thrive!