Brainstorming in the Adapt & Thrive MastermindWe had another great Adapt & Thrive event this week! Our Zoom chat had a productive brainstorming and networking session.

Adapt & Thrive Mastermind, April 2nd Here are our Top 5 Tips from the Mastermind:

  1. Now is the perfect time to build and maintain relationships with your customers. Ask how they are doing and how you can best help them through this time, and they will remember your support in the future.
  2. Reach out to other business owners to benefit your customers and each other! Spread the word about businesses you know to customers who may be interested in their services. Help each other through recommendations and referrals.
  3. How could you add value to a service offered by another business? For example, giving discounted printing services to graphic designers. Explore the possibility of joint ventures and promotions.
  4. What’s old may be new and useful again. What strategies did you use in the past that might serve you well now? Maybe this means connecting to customers by phone, direct mailers, social media outlets, etc.
  5. Fill in the gaps–what can you offer to other businesses or to your community that will help fulfill a need? What service do you offer that people might not realize they should be considering?

We look forward to seeing you next week to continue learning and growing together with other local business owners and managers. Our team is always here to help you adapt and thrive!

P.S. Sign up for an Adapt & Thrive Plus Membership! For just $5 a month, you get access to nearly all of our mastermind presentations, as well as any slide decks and additional materials shared. Also register for the next Adapt & Thrive here!

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