Adapt & Thrive Mastermind, July 9th
Our MC, Matt Quirk, presented once again this week! First, everyone got a chance to share about their experiences requesting reviews (which Matt talked about in his last presentation). Several of our mastermind friends have had great results from asking past and current clients to review their business! Then, Matt explained some benefits of newsletters and how to effectively use them to communicate with clients.
Top Takeaways from the Mastermind:
- You might choose to send a monthly newsletter to help remind both prospective and loyal customers that you are here! Use newsletters to stay in touch with your customers, but you should also share content relevant to your industry that they would find valuable.
- Newsletters can be a way to spread the word about updates to your business, promotions, or new services you are offering. By having a consistent schedule (biweekly, monthly, quarterly) your clients will learn to rely on this communication and can look forward to what’s coming next from you.
- You don’t have to create your marketing content all on your own! Services such as Constant Contact have many different templates you can use to create engaging content–newsletters, emails, and more–to help you up your marketing game. Visit to learn more.
- How can your customer get the outcome they’re looking for without having to do all the hard work to make it happen?
- Who are you seeking to serve? If you haven’t already done so, take a step back and make sure you are marketing to your actual target group. Take a second look at where you reach out to customers. Are you using all applicable avenues you could to find your ideal customers?
We love to hear that our masterminds are helping you connect with others and grow your business! We dive into new topics each week, from marketing to finance, legal and more. Local Links is always here to help you adapt and thrive!
For questions or requests, email
and be sure to sign up for next week’s Adapt & Thrive Mastermind Meeting here!