We are Local Links, your local business concierge. We connect businesses to their ideal customer.  We are customer service as sales connectors that cut the research necessary to find the ideal local service.

We’re revamping our content initiatives right now, and we are so excited to bring you fresh, new, and exciting posts and blogs to help you grow your business and connect with your community!  

Most of you who are reading this know us, and have known us for some time. We’ve been branding ourselves as a Local Business Concierge since the very beginning, and we still love that identity.  It perfectly describes what we do, and what we do for you.

But why?  What exactly is a Concierge, and why do we feel such a strong brand affinity with the term? Well, to understand that we’d like to take you on a little trip down Etymology Lane…

Etymology of Concierge

(WARNING:  We’re about to nerd out a little on y’all…)

The most recent origins of the word “Concierge,” come from the 1600s.  The French word “Concierge,” referred to a caretaker – someone who you would look to take care of a property or a home.  

Internationally in the modern-day, the term has come to indicate someone who helps you on a journey.  Most of us think of a Concierge as someone who greets you at your hotel.  But the true, “Behind the Scenes,” function is more as a go-between if you think about it carefully.  The concierge makes reservations for you, helps you book activities and outings in your host city, makes sure you find  the right business…

The Concierge does all of this by being the go-between for you.  They utilize their expertise to make connections for you that you could not have made on your own.

This is why we identify so strongly with the term, “Concierge”.  Just like a Hotel Concierge helps you find the perfect restaurant for your first dinner in town while on vacation, Local Links helps you find the perfect local business to accomplish whatever task you have set before you. You could very well be a traveler visiting the South Bay, and Local Links could help you find that perfect Southern California dinner spot.  Or, you could be a major product manufacturer looking for just the right Marketing company to help you reach the perfect audience for your new product.  

However you look at it, we here at Local Links are your ideal connector.  We cut down the time spent price hunting, finding the business that can accomplish your customer goal, and be available at the perfect time. We create a single connection to the local business community that gives the business the chance to evaluate the customers’ needs beforehand and give the customer a seamless, easy, and safe guest experience.

Please check out our latest posts on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where you’ll find us deep-diving into concepts similar to this one.  You’ll also find even more support that will help you and your business connect with the local business community and your ideal customer.

Stay tuned for another blog coming soon!



